Custom Programs

New Orleans

Entrepreneurship & Community Resilience
Culture, Environmental Sustainability, Revitalization, Social Entrepreneurship

From 5 Days

Pay a visit to one of the South’s most historical cities and the important landmarks within. Along the way, learn from locals who offer their unique perspective on entrepreneurship and community resilience after the challenges of the last decade.


Recommended in the spring or fall




Spaces available

Group size

Up to 18 students


From $1,995+
Tuition costs can vary depending on your group size and itinerary.

Program overview

New Orleans is a city with a rich and important history. It makes for an incredibly relevant and dynamic backdrop to study some of today’s most pressing issues while contributing to innovative solutions.
By the 19th century, New Orleans was the largest and most important city in the American South due to the size of its port, and its political and commercial significance. It grew rapidly in the 19th century to include a unique mix of cultures, including Americans, Africans, French, and Creoles.

In 2005, New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Since then, the city has been on a dedicated path of revitalization requiring tremendous collaboration by local community members, innovators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and government officials.
New Orleans_skyline view


Pay a visit to the Tree of Life, a famous New Orleans landmark.
Learn about the history as well as not so distant past of this city and how the events of Hurricane Katrina created shifts still felt today.
Work with local organizations working in the fields of education, environmental sustainability, or community revitalization.
New Orleans_french quarter balconies

Historical Exploration

Immerse in New Orleans' rich history, from its 19th-century significance to the transformative impact of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Delve into the unique cultural mix of Americans, Africans, French, and Creoles that defines the city.

New Orleans_hurricane relief

Community engagement and service

Grounded in the city's history, engage with the community through impactful service projects. Address pressing issues such as education, environmental sustainability, and community revitalization. Collaborate with local organizations to contribute to innovative solutions.

New Orleans _Whitney plantation history

Cultural Connections

Explore the city's diverse culture with a visit to the Whitney Plantation, focusing on the history and legacy of slavery. Experience Cajun culture on the Bayou, learning about the unique environment and its role in preserving the local ecosystem.

New Orleans_street tram

Passion Projects and reflection

Tour Tulane University, meeting local professors and discovering how individuals apply their passions to create positive change. Engage in a session on passion exploration, identifying what makes you come alive. Conclude the program with final reflections and the revelation of passion projects.

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know before you go:

Understanding the impact of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and its aftermath will provide context for the city’s current state of revitalization and the challenges faced by its community members.
Participants should be prepared for meaningful community engagement and service projects addressing various issues, such as education, environmental sustainability, and community revitalization.
Itineraries are custom-designed and created to fit your needs, length of travel, and scope. Depending on your group’s goals and the time of year, your program designer can guide you as to which activities may be available.

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Take the first step here

We’re excited to collaborate with you! From ideation to delivery, our team of experiential education experts can work with you to identify your goals and make your custom trip a reality.

Submit the interest form below & one of our program designers will reach out to answer questions or deliver a custom proposal.

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Global Routes is an industry leader in the field of experiential education. We have led over 10,000 students on immersive and transformative experiences abroad since 1967. Our primary mission is to support educators in their curriculum goals by facilitating exceptional global learning experiences.

In addition to offering 4-5 week open-enrollment summer programs for high school students, we also love working with schools, camps, and groups to design and develop custom programs and courses.

Each custom program we design is unique. We use the foundation of our global partner network to craft a trip itinerary that encapsulates the tenets of our Global Routes programs: 

  • Immersive experiences
  • Deep reflection and debrief
  • Rooted in the experiential education learning cycle
  • Meaningful opportunities to dive deep and connect with host communities
  • Collaboration with local experts and innovators

We design and deliver experiences for educators, administrators, and group leaders – basically anyone who has a group interested in experiential education as a modality for learning!

Start by completing our Custom Program Interest Form. From there, a staff member will reach out to you to learn more about your goals and offer more insights into the custom program process!

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Take the first step here

Submit the interest form below & one of our program designers will reach out to answer questions or deliver a custom proposal.

students on the rock