Top 20 Student Takeaways from Summer 2019

We asked our recent alumni students to share their biggest takeaway or learning from their experience with Global Routes this summer. The lessons they learned are such wonderful reminders about what’s truly important in life. Gratitude, openness, courage, team-work, community, family, presence, and global consciousness are some of the themes that stand out.

Take a quick read, and maybe even print it out and put it on your fridge! In this busy world, it’s far too easy to forget that “things aren’t half so bad” and that at the end of the day, our local and global community is really what matters.

My major takeaway from Global Routes this summer…

  1. Working together as a team makes a community grow.
  2. That as a human my consumption and role on this planet is very important. As a consumer I must watch what I’m doing and be cautious because everything I do makes an impact somewhere else.
  3. I realized that self-care is extremely important and that it’s okay to let people know how you actually feel. 
  4. Even the little things matter. The best way to live is to live in the present and be grateful for what is around you.
  5. People in other countries may seem very different, but in reality, we are all so similar in more ways than can be described. 
  6. My major take away is that family and community are important. The only way to move forward is if we move together.
  7. Something doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful. I learned that I am more patient than I thought I was and more of a leader than I thought I was.
  8. Being able to express myself and respect my inner-self.
  9. Keep going even when times are tough because it will be worth it in the end.
  10. Learning to be ok with not knowing everything.
  11. Family is probably the most important thing in life. 
  12. I can do so much more than I think I can do when I throw away my fear and I focus.
  13. Being disconnected allows you to truly immerse yourself in the experience right in front of you.
  14. The decisions we make not only impact our lives but those in other countries. Just because we do not face the hardships does not mean we should turn a blind eye.
  15. Go outside and talk to people. Even though we don’t realize how important it is to actually live in the world and have community, it is what makes humans happy.
  16. Experiencing a different culture surrounded by amazing people can truly change you.
  17. You don’t need material things to be happy.
  18. Time went by but everything seemed better because I just let everything be. I can’t control everything but I was still having fun.
  19. Be more open.
  20. My major takeaway is to not deny myself an experience because it seems challenging or overwhelming.


21. Things aren’t half so bad 🙂 


 Gardening side-by-side in St. Vincent! 

Cooking together in Tanzania! 

Exchanging sewing techniques in Ecuador!

Celebrating a birthday with Nepalese friends! 

Baila! Baila! The universal language of dance in Costa Rica.


Experience a Global Routes program for yourself! Applications for Summer 2020 are filling quickly! Learn more by visiting our Program Pages or go ahead and submit your Early Enrollment, and we’ll be in touch!

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