Magical Mystery Tour and Ashram Life

Follow Saule and Todd on their exciting journey through Nepal! From the streets of the Boudha neighborhood in Kathmandu, centered around the majestic Boudhanath Stupa, to savoring delicious momos at a rooftop restaurant and engaging in a lively scavenger hunt and connecting with locals, their experience was nothing short of magical. Despite a dash through the rain and friendly competitions back at the ashram, they discovered the beauty and culture of Nepal in unexpected ways.

Written by Saule & Todd

Namaste from Nepal!

After enjoying the bread we made the day before for breakfast, we all prepared for the day. Leaving the sanctuary of the ashram, we had a hectic bus ride into the streets of the Boudha neighborhood, situated around one of the holiest Buddhist monuments, the Boudhanath Stupa. After exchanging money, we split into small groups to begin our Magical Mystery Tour to explore the city, complete set challenges, do a scavenger hunt and engage with one another.

Exploring the Boudhanath Stupa

Our group decided to get food first. Walking around the stupa clockwise (it is considered disrespectful to pass the stupa with your left side facing it), we found a rooftop restaurant selling delicious momos—Nepalese dumplings—and curry. While we ate, we set about completing the challenges given to us by Topher and Kayla. Each challenge was designed to get us to explore the Boudhanath area. One of the first challenges we completed was to purchase three postcards from one of the many shops surrounding the stupa. We spent most of our time enjoying the various shops and purchasing souvenirs or grocery items we needed for our trek. One of the highlights of our shopping expeditions was finding piles of off-brand items for cheap (London Dry—Canada Dry, but Nepalese and better).

Engaging with Locals

We engaged several groups of locals, asking them about the stupa, daily life, spiritual life, and the political scene of Kathmandu. Many people had no idea who the mayor was (hint: he used to be a rapper 🤔).

A Dash in the Rain

Just as we were leaving to return to the ashram, the daily rains finally began, turning our walk to our bus into a mad dash for cover. Once we had found our ride, we spent the rest of the drive comparing our various souvenirs and remarking upon the interesting signs lining the roads (“Lubricants: Quality, Endurance, Passion.” It’s motorcycle oil).

Friendly Competition

After returning to the ashram, all four groups competed for prizes (bronze figurines, hand-knit Yak Wool socks, felted satchels, mala bead bracelets, prayer flags, stickers, a sweet Global Routes hat, and handmade earrings) based on how many challenges we had completed during the day. These included significant things we discovered while talking to locals, a photo competition of what we had seen in the day, the spiritual significance of the Boudha Stupa, “newlywed game” style questions quizzing us on how much we knew about each other that we learned during our Magical Mystery Tour, a Stand-Up Poetry Performance reading a poem our groups had written during the day, and finally a speech on why our group should win. Our group, the Momos, won!!!!!!!!! 🌟

Top Highlights This Week:

😆 Laughter: The joy and humor we shared throughout the week.

🕵️‍♀️ Fun: Engaging in activities like the scavenger hunt and dance classes.

💡 Learning: Understanding more about Nepali culture and spiritual life.

🌱 Growing: Personal growth through new experiences and challenges.

🔎 Exploring: Discovering the beauty and uniqueness of Nepal.

Challenges We’ve Faced:

The yoga has been challenging for our bodies, and the Ayurvedic diet here at the ashram has taken a while to get used to, but we understand that these movements and plant-based foods are nourishing to our bodies (especially since everything we eat is grown here at the ashram).


It was so wonderful to talk to our families and share everything that has happened so far. We love them all very much. ❤️

Looking Ahead:

We’ve been having a blast this week. The Magical Mystery Tour really brought us together, and we all can’t stop laughing and smiling. We’re excited about what’s to come next week!

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