Pura Vida! An Exciting Update for the Costa Rica LIA 2024 Team

Hola from your Overseas Educators, Lane and Holly! As we gear up for our adventure to Costa Rica, we’ve been exploring Portland and chatting with Pablo, who’s excited to introduce you to your host families. We can’t wait to meet you and embark on this journey of discovery together. Pack your spirit of adventure—we’re just a few days away from an unforgettable experience!


Written by LIA Costa Rica Overseas Educators, Lane and Holly 


Lane and I (Holly) went on an adventure around Portland during training, in between planning fun name games and thinking through how to keep you all safe. First, we had a Zoom call with Pablo down in Costa Rica. He’s busy chatting with your host families, and he told us they can’t wait to meet you all.

Then we took to the city and were proud of our graceful abilities to navigate the train and bus system. We arrived at a magical pine and fern forest that houses an International Test Rose Garden (did you know roses have grown naturally in Oregon for 34 million years!?), and then we ate some yummy Thai food.

Believe it or not, in less than 2 weeks, we will all be on an airplane to Costa Rica.

We can’t wait to meet you and learn all the fun and amazing things about you (though we already know a bit from your student questionnaires!).

We came up with a few tips for you as you prepare:

  • Bring your most comfortable clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  • Be ready to be different. This is your time to explore a new country, a new community, and maybe even a new version of yourself! This trip will open up new possibilities for you.
  • Though the adventure has yet to officially begin, the time will fly by, so prepare yourself to live fully in each moment.

With love and excitement,

Lane and Holly

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