Nepal Trekking Adventure: Heartfelt Farewells, Deep Gratitude, and Exciting New Horizons!

This week, Brianna, Felix, and their group celebrated their successful trek in Nepal with a mix of joy and nostalgia. Highlights included fun at the pool in Pokhara, heartfelt farewells to their trek leaders, and the pride of completing the trek together. They faced challenges like long bus rides and bland lunches, but also grew in appreciation for the small things in life. Read on to discover more about their journey, their reflections on Nepalese culture, and the exciting adventures still to come!

Written by Brianna Parrales and Felix Zhang 

The trek has reached a bittersweet conclusion. Farewells have been exchanged gingerly between us and the quintessential guides. They leave their mark on us through their patience, generosity, familiarity, and humor. Gautam especially represented the manliness and kindness that the fine people of Nepal had to offer.

Top Highlights of the Week:

  • Playing in the pool back at Pokhara.
  • Our farewells to our trek leaders.
  • The group’s accomplishment in completing the trek.

These highlights all connect in a way that helps the group grow stronger and enjoy each other’s company. Being so far from home, relying on each other’s different personalities has made a big difference in how we benefit from our time here in Nepal!

Challenges We Faced

The excruciatingly long bus rides and the bland lunches have posed a particular challenge for us. On a more serious note, our departure from our beloved guides and porter has been heartbreaking, despite the satisfaction of completing this challenging chapter of the trek.

Gratitude and Growth

We’ve learned that appreciating things is a small gesture that can have a huge significance. We’ve grown up taking things for granted, often because we are used to having them. Coming to Nepal has opened our eyes to how things operate differently and how what is less to us can be so much more for Nepalis.

P.S. I miss u mom and dad 🙂 ~ Brianna

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