Fun times in Moshi, Tanzania!

TZ 1





The group is enjoying a wonderful start in Moshi, Tanzania!  Amid group games and time spend getting to know one another, they have been exploring Moshi and the surrounding area.  Today was spent meandering through the markets in Moshi to make preparations for the anticipated hike tomorrow.  They enjoyed a great meal out for lunch and practiced their new Swahili greetings while in town.  Leader Mary taught the group an initial course in Swahili along with a friend from the community.

The group is doing a great job at engaging one another and introducing new games that each student knows.  Energy is high and everyone is enjoying the new sites in Moshi.

They went to a small community at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro National Park where a local guide and the local village kids joined the group in touring the area.  Camilians were spotted and many local trees were identified by the local kids for our group, which was great!  They passed avocado trees on the walk and braved the cold water for a swim when they reached a 300 ft. waterfall.

The guide then brought the group to his Mother’s house for a delicious lunch of banana porridge, rice, a spinach dish, avocado, watermelon, mango, salsa and more.  After the great meal, they toured the arabica coffee farm.  The beans have just entered harvest season, so our group got to pick the beans, grind them, then roast them on the spot, then with a large wooden mortar and pestle they ground the beans.  They roasted the beans at the site and then enjoyed fresh coffee – from bush to steaming hot coffee in under an hour!  The farm workers were singing songs explaining that singing and dancing while on the job helps them to not focus on the labor and keep the atmosphere light.  The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Everyone is looking forward to the trek, they are excited to reach a new peak.


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