Quick greetings from Tanzania. After a whole lot of flying we have made it. We had a late night, but after a short dinner everyone was right to bed and feeling much more rested today. It’s already been a super productive day. We spent the morning learning a little more about each other and about why we are all here, we even got to play some games. This afternoon we have had a chance to see the bustling city life around Arusha as well as run some errands and do a little shopping before we leave on safari. Arusha is a bustling scene full of safari vehicles and people heading off to various places and sights. We are surrounded by mountains (though we haven’t seen Kilimanjaro yet) So much to see and do. We are all enjoying taking in the many sights, smells, and sounds of this beautiful country.
Tomorrow we will leave on safari for 4 days and 3 nights. We are so excited to experience some of the national parks and see some wildlife.
Tanzania has been wonderful so far, so very friendly and welcoming. We can’t wait to share more stories
with you and hopefully even some pictures once we return from safari, until then…Asante (thanks) for
Team Tanzania ’11