The group is having a great time in the community. With service work during the day, the group still finds plenty of time to play! Together with community members the group has taken on capture the flag tournaments, frisbee, played in the torrential rain, tried out yoga, guided meditations, handstands and Eric has even started teaching some guitar. The group is getting plenty of food, especially rice and beans! Overall there is quite a bit of laughter and fun!
Sunday was family day in the village, some of the students went with their host families to visit their farms, where they tried coconut water, papaya, guyanaba and learned about the local coffee growing. Some students went to Sunday mass, others went to local waterfalls and a few stayed home and enjoyed a relaxing day of local life in the village.
More news directly from the group soon!
The group has also been having fun with a some video, here is a brief clip: